Produce the RL-24 XML

Transmitter registration #

You must obtain a transmitter number as well as sequential numbers from Revenu Québec.

Here is the link to ED-430 form « Transmitter registration form » to complete; please follow the instructions attached to this form :

Produce the XML RL-24 #

Enter the informations received in LogiCentre :Go to Parametres ;

Click on RL 24/Slip

To Revenu Quebec –XML Options, enter your [Transmitter number] and the first [Sequential number] transmitted by Revenu Quebec ;


XML Option 2021 Activation #

See if XML Option is activated :

  1. Go to  Parametres ;
  2. Click on RL-24/Slip ;
  3. To Revenu Quebec –XML Options, to the right :
  4. If you have XML Licence active, go to step XML RL-24 preparation
  5. If you have XML Licence inactive : double-click on red mention .  The Options of the software activation window will open*. 

* Call us for activation, fees may apply if these have not already been paid when subscribing or renewing the annual license.

Preparation of XML RL-24 #

  1. Go to Children menu, click Slips;
  2. Select XML RL-24 ;
  3. The list of parents whose at least one child has a service agreement in effect during the posted tax year appears.
  4. If dots appear on the left, you can position your mouse over the dot and a bubble will appear to indicate the error message or warning.
  5. To see the list, see the colored dots ( and ) at the top of the table to see if any information is missing or in error.
    1. Yellow point  :
      1. Click XX warnings to see the error detail, then Return,
      2. Double-click on every lines you see a yellow point in order to correct the information on the parent’s RL-24.
    2. Red rouge  : 
      1. Click XX errors to see details,
      1. IN this table, double-click on every line with error or click File to open every children file, correct the error and Save once you have corrected the error in the file.
      1. Once the error has been corrected, click on Revalidate
  6. If you entered your data throughout the year, you can verify that LogiCentre has calculated for each child by selecting the child, and clicking the Verification button. (If necessary, see the help video on Verification)
  7. On the screen, LogiCentre writes the information to appear on the slip. If you want to make changes (example of an unpaid balance), double-click on the child’s row.
    • Number of days of care,
    • Total child care expenses paid,
    • Expenses that do not give entitlement to the tax credit,
    • Expenses giving entitlement to the tax credit,
      • Note : If more than 3 children for same family, RL-24 will be created for additional children. 
  8. If you didn’t enter any data or only a part of the year, you must manually calculate and write it on the RL-24 for every child :
    • Number of days of care,
    • Total child care expenses paid,
    • Expenses that do not give entitlement to the tax credit,
    • Expenses giving entitlement to the tax credit,
      • Note : If more than 3 children in a same family, select the releve Seq 2 to enter information about additional children. Once the RL-24 slips have been saved for all the children who attended your daycare this year and for whom you must produce a slip, go to the electronic submission step to Revenu Québec.

Sending electronically XML slips to Revenu Québec #

In the blue zone 1. Revenu Quebec :

  1. Click on Select all;
    1. LogiCentre will check all RL24 that are ready to send to Revenu Québec.
  2. Clic on Send to RQ;
  3. A Confirmation no. and RQ confirmation datewill be entered for each sent slip.

Email or print RL-24 – Parent’s copy #

First Step for the transmission by email (IMPORTANT):

  1. Make sure you have permission from the parent to receive tax receipts by email.
  2. Go check the box Allow sending by email in the tab Person related to the children of the children files.

NOTE: At this step, you MUST have sent the slips to Revenu Québec in order to continue.

Parent’s copy sent by email, in XML version – Relevés 24,

In the purple section, 2. Print/E-mail

  1. Click Sel. All (select all) or those you wish to email;
  2. Click on Email

Print parent’s copy

  1. Click Sel. All (select all) or those you wish to print;
  2. Click on Print
  3. Start printing

Print Summary 24 #

Summary is available at 2 places:

  1. In the Children menu, click Slips;
  2. Click on Summary 24.
    In XML Version – RL24 Slips, in the blue zone 3, Click on Summary on the right.
  3. Print Summary 24 for RL-24 you just sent XML file.
  4. Read instructions at the 1st page of the sending addresses document.

Special cases of RL-24 #

RL 24 – Adress error #

If you have already sent the statement to Revenu Québec, but there are one or more errors at one or other of the addresses:

You must correct the address and reprint the statement:

  1. In Children files
  2. If the error is inthe child’s file:
    1. In [Child]‘s file
    2. Correct the parent’s [Adress] on the Parents tab
    3. Click Save
  3. If the error is in your Daycare address:
    1. In the Daycare menu
    2. Correct the daycare address
    3. Click Save
  4. In Children files
  5. Click Slips
  6. Click Slips XML
  7. Double-click on the [slip to correct]
  8. Click Adress
  9. Reprint or return the statement to the parent
    1. The mention Duplicate will appear on the Parent‘s copy
  10. You do not have to resend this statement to Revenu Québec

RL 24 – Amended #

If you have already sent the RL-24 to Revenu Quebec, but there is one or more errors:

  • Number of days of care,  
  • Total child care exprenses paid, 
  • Expenses that do not give entitlement to the tax credit, 
  • Expenses giving entitlement to the tax credit. 

You must then produce a RL-24 – amended.  Follow this procedure: 

  1. Click on Slips and XML RL-24;
  2. Double-click on the RL with error;
  3. Click on Amend;
  4. Do the corrections on screen;    
  5. Save;
  6. Once all RL-24 to be amended are saved, you must do the following steps again:
    1. Select Slip code: A / Amended
    2. See previous step:
      • Sending electronically XML slips to Revenu Québec
      • Print Summary 24.

RL-24 – Canceled #

If you have already sent the RL-24 to Revenu Quebec, but there are one or more errors:

  1. Social insurance number (SIN) of the person who paid for child care expenses,
  2. Last name, First name,
  3. Address.

You must then produce a RL-24 – canceled.  Follow the procedure:

  • Click on Slips and XML RL-24;
  • Double-click on the RL-24 with error;
  • Click on Cancel;
  • Once all RL-24 to cancel are saved, you must do the following steps again:
    • Select Slip code: D / Canceled
    • See previous step:
      • Sending electronically XML slips to Revenu Québec
      • Print Summary 24.

If you must produce a NEW RL-24.  Follow the procedure:

  • Click on Original;
  • Do the corrections;    
  • Click on Save;
  • Once RL-24 are saved, you must do the following steps again:
    • Select Slip code: R / Original;
    • See previous step:
      • Sending electronically XML slips to Revenu Québec
      • Print Summary 24.